
Pre-Fill Apps

You have data on your borrowers and can understand when they may need or qualify for a Home Equity product. Lodasoft will connect with that data source so you’ll not only know when to send that message but the borrower will see that the application is prefilled with the data you have. Just update anything that’s changed and click submit, its just that easy.

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Pricing & Automated Disclosures

Lodasoft will connect with your pricing and disclosures engine allowing real-time pricing discussions and disclosures that can be triggered automatically, no manual intervention from your disclosure desk! Easily validate and deliver accurate pricing and disclosures in a self-serve environment. 


Workflow Engine

Our task-based workflow engine allows you to automate your own personalized home equity process. It’s basically our secret sauce. One giant downside to the capabilities of most LOS programs is that they do not prioritize tasks or loan files for you, leaving it up to your processors to know what to do next. 

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Lodasoft prides itself in its no-code configurable deployment methodology. This enables you the flexibility to turn on a dime. Market shift? No problem. Want to offer refi and recapture tools, just turn them on. No matter how simple or complex your home equity products are, our flexibility can handle it all.


Integration & Implementation

Our agnostic eco-system via Lodasoft Connect allows you integrate virtually any widget, third-party service, LOS. With open APIs, quick-start templates, and more, our ease of set-up allows you to go live in less than 30 days. From there, you’re given the tools to make tweaks on the fly.


Agent, and
TPO Portals


CRM, Dialer and
Lead Management

Loan Application,
Document Management,
POS and eSign

Smart Tasks
and Workflow

Text Message and